AAEM/RSA 2017 Award Winners

RSA Secretary-Treasurer, Philip Dixon, MD (left) with AAEM/RSA Program Director of the Year Award recipient,
Jonathan S. Jones, MD FAAEM (center), and AAEM/RSA Resident of the Year Award recipient,
Mary Haas, MD (right)

Author: Michael Wilk, MD

Congratulations to our AAEM/RSA award and scholarship winners from this past year! All of them have made outstanding contributions to their programs and/or RSA over the past year and we are pleased to recognize them.

AAEM/RSA Program Director of the Year Award
Jonathan S. Jones, MD FAAEM, Mississippi University

To nominate your program director next year: http://www.aaemrsa.org/get-involved/residents/program-director-of-the-year-award

AAEM/RSA Program Coordinator of the Year Award
Krista Fukumoto, Stanford University

AAEM/RSA Resident of the Year Award
Mary Haas, MD, AAEM/RSA President, PGY3, University of Michigan

AAEM/RSA Committee Member of the Year AwardJake Toy, MS3, Copy Editor, Social Media Committee.

AAEM/RSA Medical Student “Why EM?” Essay Scholarship Winners:

For information for medical students to apply next year visit: (http://www.aaemrsa.org/get-involved/students/medical-student-scholarship)