bath salts
Synthetic Cathinones (“Bath Salts”) and Gerbal Marijuana Alternatives – Resident Journal Review
Image Credit: Flickr Authors: Susan Cheng, MD MPH; Jonathan Yeo, MD; Eli Brown, MD; Allison Regan, MDEdited by: Michael C. Bond, MD FAAEM and Christopher Doty, MD FAAEMOriginally Published: Common Sense April/May 2012 This resident Journal review focuses on two popular designer drugs that have made their way into the media as well as our […] -
Tox Talks: Bath Salts
Author: Meaghan Mercer, MSIVWestern University of Health SciencesAAEM/RSA Medical Student Council President ’11-’12 Originally Published: Modern Resident October/November 2011 Walking onto my shift a few days ago, I heard shrieking coming from my pod, and I knew this would be an interesting night. I rushed over to find a female restrained by four police officers […]
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