RxЯ: The Sea of Fellowships
In the next episode of the series, Dr. Yusuke Kishimoto introduces over 30 different fellowship opportunities to pique your interest in subspecialization and advance your academic endeavors after your emergency medicine residency training. -
Administration Fellowships
2017-18 RSA Board Member and Liaison to the Education Committee, Jessica Fujimoto, MD speaks with Niels Rathlev, MD FAAEM, Chair and Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School – Baystate and Martin Reznek, MD, MBA, FACEP, Associate Professor, Vice Chair of Clinical Operations, and Fellowship Director of the Administrative Fellowship at University of Massachusetts – UMassMemorial. Drs. Fujimoto, Rathlev, and Reznek discuss emergency medicine administration and fellowships in administration -
Exploring an interest in Wilderness Medicine
Image Credit: Flickr This post was peer reviewed.Click to learn more. Author: Josh Symes, MD EM PGY-1 University of Mississippi Medical Center Wilderness Medicine affords the opportunity to combine passion for the outdoors with passion for medicine. Many people pursue wilderness medicine to be better equipped to use their medical training and expertise in medical […]
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